Discover Whole House Air Purification

Most of us don’t realize that the haven for our family—our home—often has high levels of air pollution. When we drive through a city, the air pollution is a lot more recognizable because it’s so easy to see. Smoke stacks, car exhaust, dust—all of these are easily and readily visible. In our homes, the dangerous contaminants tend to be invisible, so we don’t think about them. This quality, of course, doesn’t mean the air in your home is cleaner or less harmful. In fact, just the opposite may be true.

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The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has actually named indoor air pollution as one of the top five overall environmental health risks and has found that it is often two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. On top of that, many of the pollutants in a home are microscopically small, allowing them to easily slip past your body’s natural filtering mechanisms and settle deep into your lungs where they can irritate and cause a host of problems.

There are a variety of reasons why indoor air becomes so contaminated, including poor ventilation and high moisture levels, for starters. But when it comes to solutions, there is just one answer and it’s Troops Refrigeration. We can install a whole house air purification system to help strip the air in your home of mold, dust, mites, dander, pollen, smoke (from tobacco and/or cooking), chemical cleaners, bacteria and viruses, and much more. This can improve the symptoms of asthma and allergies in your home, allowing your family to breathe better.

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